Revise, Revise, Revise !

What are your revision strategies? Please share!

It is the best feeling when I get a story on paper for the first time! I am awed by my creativity. :) Then after I let it sit for a bit and go back to it, I think Good Heavens! This is rough with a captal R. Revise! Revise! Revise!

Then I let one of my wonderful critique partners read it, and they give feedback. Revise! Revise! Revise!

Is it ready to send to someone? Should I let others see it? Do I need to let it sit before I use a scalpel to operate? These are the questions I ask myself.

Writing is certainly a process from that first burst of an idea to a finished product or as finished as it possibly can be. I just heard Kate DiCamillo speak. She said she rewrites every story six or seven times, and I mean completely rewrites it, not just revises it.

I may need to “up” my revision strategies. I must admit when I retype an entire story, I change much more than I originally saw.

Authors, how do you revise? Do you rewrite again and again, or just revise where you see the weak spots? How many “eyes” do you have on your manuscript before you send it to your agent?

I would appreciate your expertise! Before I revise again. Lol


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