My Writing Style: Hypnotic Trance

Boohalala!! You Must Write Now! You Must Write NOW!

Every author has his or her own style. Some write in the bathtub .Some have a regimented routine. Some get their best ideas at 2 AM. For me, inspiration usually hits like a lightning bolt , typically when I am walking my dogs, allowing my brain to wander. Then BAM! I am drawn magnetically to my computer. I MUST get my ideas down. I cannot eat. I cannot sleep. I cannot pass GO and collect $200. I am possessed and can do nothing until my thoughts are down in some format.

I have the best intentions for my daily goals. Today I need to write some thank yous, pay some bills, look at mentor picture books, fill out paperwork for my Edupups LLC, run to the postoffice , revise my latest manuscript, WREATH BABIES, and begin reading the book STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST.

So what am I doing? Blogging about how my writing style is a tad obsessive compulsive before I jump into my next manuscript THE FRIENDLIEST DOG IN THE WORLD. As I was walking Rosie, this morning, the ideas just flooded my brain. I cannot wait to get these thoughts on Word. Maybe I am afraid I will just lose it if I don’t get it down ASAP. Who knows?

All I know is I am passionate about writing . The stories pour out of me. I just need more time in front of said computer. So many stories to tell! I really do need to live until 110.


Creators: this is awesome!


To all the Mamas