Don’t Be Too Real
I’ve learned you have to have fun with your characters, even if they truly exist.
Our Dogs Are Always Our Little Puppies
Good.boy.ollie reminded me no matter how old our dogs become they will forever in our hearts remain our little puppies.
Mischievous Baby Was “Born” in the 70’s
Authors, do you have a character you have lived with for years if not decades? Mischievous Baby is that character for me.
If You Know Pigeon, Piggy, and Gerald You are a Mo Willems Fan Like Me
If young children are in your life, I bet you have Mo Willems books! They are just the cutest!! Many times a lesson is hidden in there,too.
My Writing Style: Hypnotic Trance
You are in a trance. Go to the Computer. Write your story now. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Write, write, write. NOW.